Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the meeting of the Communities, Equalities and People Committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 21 May 2009 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, Westminster, London SW1H 0NY.



  • Cindy Butts (Chairman)
  • Reshard Auladin
  • Chris Boothman
  • Valerie Brasse
  • Kirsten Hearn
  • Clive Lawton
  • Faith Boardman

MPA officers

  • Catherine Crawford (Chief Executive)
  • Alan Johnson (policy Officer)
  • Siobhan Coldwell (Head of Oversight and review)
  • Martin Davis (Head of Engagement & Partnerships)
  • Lynne Abrams (Oversight and Review Officer)
  • Hamera Asfa Davey (Oversight and Review Officer)
  • Chris Benson (Committee Services)

MPS officers

  • Esme Crowther (Head of Human Resources ET unit)
  • Acting Commander Steve Bloomfield (Link Commander TPHQ)
  • Martin Tiplady (Director of Human Resources)
  • Commander Simon O’Brien (TPHQ)

In the absence of the Chair, Clive Lawton opened the meeting.

1. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

Cindy Butts apologised for her late arrival. Apologies for absence were received from Valerie Brasse, Kit Malthouse and Steve O’Connell.

2. Declarations of interests

(Agenda item 2)

There were none

2. Minutes: Communities, Equalities and People Committee 12 March 2009

(Agenda item 3)

The minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2009 were approved and signed as a correct record.

4. Matters arising

Christopher Boothman advised that the first meeting of the Hate Crime Forum would be held on 29 June.

5. Stop and search

(Agenda item 4)

5.1 Commander Simon O’Brien introduced the report that provided an update of developments in the MPS use of Stop and Search powers.

5.2 The Committee noted that the report did not contain any reference to searches made under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2002.

5.3 The Committee was advised that this information was not requested in the commissioning brief for the report. As the MPS was now aware of the request, the information would now be made available to members.

5.4 The Committee noted that specific permission had to be obtained to use section 60, that permission was time limited and any extension to that time limit was subject to review before being extended. The Committee asked to be advised of how frequently, when and where Section 60 was used.

5.5 It was noted that searches conducted as part of Operation Blunt 2 could not be indentified within the appendices to the report. As a result the proportionality of the searches made as part of Operation Blunt 2 could not be assessed. It was agreed that the MPS would provide this information although there was concern at the quality of the data to be used to compile the information.

5.6 The Committee was advised that that the stop and search DVD was still in use by the safer neighbourhood teams and school officers. Leaflets were also made available to anyone stopped and searched as part of Operation Blunt 2 The difficulty in measuring the effectiveness of the DVD and the leaflets etc was recognised.

5.7 The Committee noted that a refined Section 44 approach will be piloted on the Boroughs of Southwark, Brent, Newham and Tower Hamlets. Whilst progress and monitoring reports will be submitted to the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee, aspects relevant to this Committee would be brought to its attention.

5.8 The Committee requested that in future all appendices are presented in a clear and legible format.

5.9 The Committee noted that proposals for the MPA monitoring of stop and search would be considered later on the agenda.

Resolved - That the data relating to operation Blunt 2 is highlighted within the breakdown of MPs stop/search activity. It was recognised that data quality may be an issue.

That a report setting out detailed information about the use of schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act for stop and search in terms of numbers, frequency and key locations to be submitted to the 10 September meeting of the Committee.

6. Structure for the monitoring and review of Stop and Search powers

(Agenda item 5)

6.1 Martin Davis (Head of Engagement & Partnerships) introduced the report that outlined the Metropolitan Polices Authority (MPA) accountability and consultation structures for the oversight and monitoring of the use of Stop and Search powers by the Metropolitan Police.

6.2 The Committee noted the current structure, and agreed to further develop the oversight and monitoring process in discussion with the Chair of the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-commttee and other relevant Committee Chairs.

Resolved accordingly.

7. MPA response to the National Violence Against Women Strategies

(Agenda item 6)

7.1 Lynne Abrams (Oversight and Review Officer) introduced the report that set out the MPA’s response to the integrated cross-government strategy with regard to violence against women. It was noted that this consultation was to form part of a national debate which engaged not only with the criminal justice system and the women’s voluntary and community sector but also addressed the role of education, the financial sector, and the public and encouraged all to take responsibility.

7.2 The Committee agreed that although the strategy was to be commended, it lacked a timetable for its implementation.

7.3 It was noted that the membership of the MPA Domestic and Sexual Violence Board was all female. It was felt that this might imply, wrongly, that this was an issue only of importance to women; on the other hand a token male presence would not be acceptable. It was suggested that Chris Boothman should attend the violence against woman board in his capacity as Chair of the Hate Crime Forum.

Resolved to endorse the report as the MPA’s response to the National Violence Against Women Strategy.

8. MPS response to the recommendations contained within the MPA Youth Scrutiny 2007/2008

(Agenda item 7)

8.1 Acting Commander Steve Bloomfield (Link Commander TPHQ) introduced the report that provided an update on progress, and focused on ten key recommendations contained in the MPA Youth Scrutiny. The report documented both current activity and developmental work.

8.2 It was noted that the Safer Neighbourhood Teams continually updated the Ward Profiles that detailed facilities and key contacts for their ward. A web mapping tool was now being used to make the profiles more consistent.

8.3 The continuing work by MPS in response to the MPA Youth Scrutiny and the planned next steps following the MPS Youth Strategy review was noted.

8.4 The Committee asked for a report that set out the following details

  • how each of the initiatives aligns with the recommendations and how they are adapted to meet new pressures or developing trends.
  • the cost of each of the initiatives and the numbers of youths involved with each of the initiatives and an assessment of the value for money.
  • how the initiatives are funded
  • how the overall approach to the recommendations arising from the youth scrutiny is coordinated with other MPA/S strategies.
  • how the overall process is coordinated.

8.5 It was agreed that the governance structure for the Youth Strategy Review would be discussed at the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-commttee.

8.6 Valerie Brasse asked to be kept advised of the development and use of the youth safety assessment tool.


  1. to note the report
  2. that a report setting out the information requested in paragraph 8.4 above is submitted to a future meeting of the Committee.

9. MPA update on the MPA Youth Scrutiny Recommendations

(Agenda item 8)

9.1 Hamera Asfa Davey (Oversight and Review Officer) introduced the report.

The Committee was advised that the MPA youth scrutiny report, ‘Seen and Heard – Young People, Policing and Crime’ (2008) contained recommendations for both the MPS and other agencies. This report provided a summary on how the non-MPS recommendations had been taken forward to date.

9.2 It was noted that the MPA will continue to work with partners through the various pan London Strategic partnerships and via CDRPs to ensure that learning from the youth scrutiny consultation and other similar consultations is not lost and continued to inform youth crime responses.

RESOLVED to note the report.

10. Mapping community engagement – and internal MPA review

(Agenda item 9)

10.1 Hamera Asfa Davey (Oversight and Review Officer) introduced the report.

The Committee was advised that there were extensive communication, consultation and engagement activities undertaken by the MPA. However, these did not result in the MPA having a high public profile. It was identified that the current MPA/MPS Community Engagement Strategy was coming to an end and that a new strategy would need to be developed which would learn lessons from the experience over the past three years. It was agreed that the Authority would benefit from having a more practical Community Engagement Strategy which encouraged joined-up work by the MPA and MPS when planning and undertaking community communication, consultation and engagement activities.

10.2 It was agreed that the strategy should address the following issues;

  • the value for money aspect of the MPS consultation/engagement activity had to be assessed.
  • that a system had to be developed that could address relevant and topical issues quickly, such as Borough commanders providing a briefing/explanation to groups such as CPEGs on the practice of dispersal and containment used during public order policing of the G20 protests.
  • to review the community engagement strategies of other metropolitan Police Services to identify good practice, to assess what engagement was most cost effective and to set a bench mark for future community engagement.
  • to review how the communities views are incorporated into the policy making process and empower the community to take part and inform policy.

10.3 The Committee acknowledge that the MPA may require external support and resources to complete this work. It was a suggested that a facilitated workshop or discussion be held once the above information was collated.

10.4 The Committee was alert to the danger of creating an expectation that cannot be met, and recognised that there was a need to do less but more effective consultation.


  1. to note the report
  2. to approve the bullet points as set out above as the way forward.


(Agenda item 10)

11.1 Martin Tiplady (Director of Human Resources) introduced the report that set out how the Metropolitan Police Service manages employment tribunal claims brought against the Commissioner and the current arrangements for oversight by the MPA.

11.2 The Committee noted that the Strategic Operations and Policing Committee received a six monthly update on Employment Tribunals. (ETs) Monthly meetings are held with MPA to discussion current position. The MPS review the ETs at an internal meeting each week. Each week a report on current ET cases was passed for circulated within the MPA however given the confidential nature of the report its circulation was very restricted

11.3 Members asked to be provided with a copy of the protocol referred to in the report.

11.4 The committee was concerned that any learning arising from ETs was not lost and that the same mistakes were not repeated. The Committee was advised that learning was disseminated at 3 levels, through Personal Development Reviews, within individual business groups and overall policy development.

11.5 It was noted that it was generally MPS practice no to comment on ongoing ET cases, with the result that reports critical of the MPS appeared in the media. It was acknowledged that there was good reason for this approach.

11.6 It was noted that the oversight of the ET process was the responsibility of the Director of Human Resources. The MPA was tasked to provide oversight of the Director.

11.7 It was agreed that Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-commttee should have the overarching responsibly for the oversight of the ET strategy and process

RESOLVED to note the report

12. Workforce modernisation

(Agenda item 11)

12.1 Martin Tiplady (Director of Human Resources) introduced the report that set out the current status with regard to the MPS workforce modernisation programme and TP National Demonstration Site Programme.

12.2 The Committee noted that of the ten demonstration sites two had fallen by the wayside. The remaining eight and the MPS modernisation programme (Operation Sphere and BT 50K) continues and will be subject to an evaluation by the Home Office free of charge after 2 years.

12.3 The Committee noted that there was no real discernable benefit in terms of additional resources from becoming a demonstration site.

12.4 Outside of the demonstration site, The Committee noted the additional experiments undertaken by the MPS in the increased use of police staff to perform roles usually carried out by police officers, such as CO15 collision investigators and C019 firearms instructors. The Committee was advised that the Home Office had not relaxed the regulations that would have enabled more members of police staff to become special constables.

12.5 The Committee considered that it would be useful to have a report on what the other demonstration sites are doing. The Surrey and Northamptonshire sites were of most interest to the Committee. It was noted that the first provisional evaluation of the sites has just been published. The final evaluation will be completed in 15 months time.

12.6 It was agreed the periodic reports should be submitted to Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-committee.

Resolved to note the report.

13. Reports from the Sub-committees

(Agenda item 12)

13.1 The Chair introduced the report and invited the Chairs of the Sub-committees to comment.

Resolved to note the report.

14. Exclusion of press and public

RESOLVED - That under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved disclosure of exempt information as detailed in paragraphs 3 and 7 Schedule 12A to the above Act.

15. Exempt minutes: Communities, Equalities and People Committee 12 March 2009

(Agenda item 14.)

Resolved the minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2009 were approved and signed as a correct record.

16. Reports from the Sub-committees

(Agenda item 15.)

16.1 The Chair introduced the report and invited the Chairs of the Sub-committees to comment.
Resolved to approve the report and endorse the recommendations made by the inquorate meeting of the Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-committee held on 30 April 2009.

End of meeting 4:45pm.

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