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Report 10 of the 16 July 2009 meeting of the Communities, Equalities and People Committee, outlines the activities and the development of the Safer London Foundation.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Development and Activities of the Safer London Foundation 2008-09

Report: 10
Date: 16 July 2009
By: Chief Executive


The Safer London Foundation was founded jointly by the MPS and the MPA, it retains member involvement on its board of trustees and has been funded since 2006 – with the ascent of the MPA – from Police Property Act Fund. This report updates the committee about the development and activities of the Safer London Foundation. A detailed report of the work of the SLF has been completed by its Chief Executive and is attached as Appendix 1.

A. Recommendation

That Members note the activity and development of the Safer London Foundation.

B. Supporting information


1. The Safer London Foundation was set up by the MPA and MPS as a charitable trust, with the object of securing funds to support community safety and crime reduction projects at local level. A member of the MPA and Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police are amongst the Trustees.

2. In December 2006, the Coordination of Policing Committee (COP) of the MPA, considered an application by the Safer London Foundation for a grant of £250,000 a year for three years commencing 2006/7 to cover their core costs, so that all other money raised by them could be directed to fund or provide support for community projects.

3. The Committee resolved that for 2006/7 the sum of £236,000 should be awarded in grant aid, with an indicative allocation of £175,000 for 2007/8 and £100,000 for 2008/9, in expectation that in 2009/10 the Foundation will be self-financing. The award of grant was subject to the Foundation submitting reports to the MPA on its work programme and progress in fund raising, to enable the MPA to monitor the movement towards self financing status and the general pace and effectiveness of the SLF Work Programme; and to the Foundation demonstrating in its programme for 2007/8 how it would work with the MPA and MPS to build community capacity at Safer Neighbourhood Panel level. The grant was also subject to SLF submitting audited accounts for 2005/6.

4. This report provides information about the final year’s activity in the current programme to build community capacity at Safer Neighbourhood Panel level, by developing and piloting a programme for briefing and training Chairs of SN Panels and more generally about the development of the Safer London Foundation in both its delivery of services and its movement toward financial independence.

5. A report of the activities of SLF, submitted by the Chief Executive, is attached as Appendix 1.

C. Race and equality impact

The work of the SLF is aimed at contributing to community capacity building to fight crime and disorder. The range of activities described in Appendix1 illustrates the contribution it is making to the broad range of projects which will impact on the communities of London.

D. Financial implications

The ongoing support for the work of the Safer London Foundation is based upon applications for charitable funds and grants. The utilisation of POCA funds over the past three years has both acted as a pump priming fund to enable the charity to undertake new areas of work and as a core stable fund. The new POCA funding programme should continue to offer this element of stability and encourage innovation.

E. Background papers

None for the purposes of this report.

F. Contact details

Report author(s): ,Martin Davis, Head of Engagement & Partnerships, MPA

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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